Anne Regnier

Anne Regnier started her musical studies in La Rochelle, and pursued them in the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique of Paris, where she obtained, in 1988, a 1st prize for chamber music, and in 1989, a 1st prize for oboe in the classes of Maurice Bourgue and David Walter.
She won the international competitions of Toulon (1996) and Tokyo (1997) and performed as a soloist in multiple orchestras (orchestre de chambre of Toulouse, orchestre de chambre of Padoue…)
In 1996, she joined the Orchestre de l’Opéra de Paris, in the position of English Horn Soloist.
She founded the ensemble « Sur Mesures », a swing-wing chamber music ensemble, with which she gave numerous concerts during 5 years. In the mean time, she also played the contemporary repertoire with the ensemble Ars Nova.
Willing to associate music to a stage effort, she founded and participated in the musical show « Bestiaire imaginaire », created in 1996 and regularly programmed for several years (Cité de la musique, Théâtre du Renard à Paris, etc…).
Then, she led her three musician friends in a new artistic adventure, « ABCd’airs », an unusual concert. Praised by the critique, this musical show, created in 2015 in the Théâtre de l’Essaion, already adds up to more than 100 performances : in the Théâtre du Lucernaire in Paris, in the Festival d’Avignon and throughout France.
Anne Regnier has been trusting Rigoutat since 1988.