Anne-Marie Gay

Enthusiast and passionate musician, Anne-Marie Gay starts studying the oboe in Philippe Lefèvre’s class, in the Havre Departemental Conservatory, then with Daniel Arrignon in the Rueil-Malmaison Regional Conservatory.
In 2011, after having brilliantly passed her Music Diploma, she gets in the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse of Lyon, taught by Jean-Louis Capezzali, Jérome Guichard and Pascal Zamora.
In 2015, she starts studying in the Hochschule für Musik und Theater de Munich, taught by François Leleux and Tobias Volgelman.
Her passion for the orchestra motivates her to join the French Youth Orchestra, the Orchestre des Jeunes de Méditerranée and the Mahler Jugendorchester for European tours of symphonic concerts.
After her studies in the CNSMD of Lyon, she is invited to perform with prestigious formations such as the Paris Opera, the Strasbourg Philharmonic Orchestra, the Lille National Orchestra, the Rouen Opera, the Paris Chamber Orchestra and the Radio France Philharmonic Orchestra.
In October 20018, she wins the Second Oboe contest when playing her English Horn in the Radio France Philharmonic Orchestra, and starts being a permanent member of this Orchestra.
Anne-Marie Gay has been trusting Rigoutat since 2014.